Different Ways to Manage Your VSF
January 21, 2020

Different Ways to Manage Your VSF

Managing your VSF is a serious job. The good news is there are so many things you can do to manage it successfully.


  1. Learn & understand your state's laws, rules & regulations involving towing & vehicle storage
  2. Utilize colored file folders
  3. Format your file folder labels
  4. Manually review deadlines daily
  5. Jot down notes of vehicle owners names & tel #'s
  6. Take photos of the vehicle
  7. Use a self-ink stamp to track deadlines
  8. Utilize a bucket system for pending notices
  9. Proofread your data
  10. Subscribe to VSF Software like ours.

We'll touch on each of these at a time. First and foremost, VSF (vehicle storage facility) owners and VSF employees must learn & understand the laws, rules & regulations involving vehicle impounds and vehicle storage.

This blog is intended to help you find ways and utilize techniques to manage a VSF; this blog does not intend to replace the expert advice of an attorney.

Don't know where to start? Contact a tow association active in your state; this is a great place to start. For example, in Texas, you can contact the following towing associations:

  • Southwest Tow Operators -
  • Texas Towing & Storage Association:

You can also contact one of these tow associations and ask them to recommend an attorney that specializes in towing & storage.

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